Public Warning Issued by New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (FMA) against QuantumAI

QuantumAI has been using fake online reviews from content writers impersonating investors. Such fake investors have been involved in writing fake and misleading reviews about QuantumAI. The reviews tend to attract interested investors to the platform only to be lured into a scam.

The Financial Markets Authority (FMA), the financial regulatory authority in New Zealand has launched a public warning against QuantumAI. In the warning issued against QuantumAI, the Financial Markets Authority has shared its concerns against the platform.

The Financial Markets Authority has announced that the reason for launching a public warning is its concerns over QuantumAI’s operations. According to the FMA, it has reasons to believe that QuantumAI is involved in running a scam through its services.

The Financial Markets Authority has reasons that it has laid out in order to clarify what has led it to believe in such possibilities. However, the FMA seems to be firm and clear that the particular platform is currently operating a scam.

Reasons for Raising the Alarm against QuantumAI

In the warning, the Financial Markets Authority has talked about the way QuantumAI has been running its operations and is promoting its services. The FMA has revealed that QuantumAI is publicizing its services and utilities by using wrong and false methods.

The financial regulator has revealed that QuantumAI has been using fake online reviews from content writers impersonating investors. Such fake investors have been involved in writing fake and misleading reviews about QuantumAI. The reviews tend to attract interested investors to the platform only to be lured into a scam. The reviews even overpublicize the platforms and claim to be offering services that are not offered by them originally.

The FMA claims that QuantumAI is also getting news articles posted that are fake and misleading just like the online reviews. QuantumAI has been using these methods in order to promote its services and mislead investors about its trading capabilities.

QuantumAI is also using the support of fake and misleading reviews, impersonating as a reliable trading platform provider. QuantumAI has also gone to great lengths in claiming that even many celebrities have been using its platform to gain from it.

The QuantumAI claims that there are several well-known celebrities that are currently endorsing the platform and are benefiting from its state-of-the-art services. With such claims, the imposters are leading the investors to believe that they are providing the best trading platform and services.

The major concern raised by the FMA against QuantumAI is the return claims that it has made on its website. On the website, QuantumAI seems to be claiming of offering up to 60% returns on a daily basis. This is a claim that is clearly unrealistic from any perspective and thus, it makes it clear that the platform is running a scam.

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